White House gate crashers

Saturday, November 28, 2009


  • These people are officially the greatest showboat reality-tv-whore badasses ever. Tareq and Michaele Salahi totally crashed the White House’s state dinner last night, and they did it in a blatant way, with Facebook photos, time with Rahm Emanuel (above) and no security clearance. Who knows how they got in; we wanna know what they’re gonna get out of it. source

Posted by Ernie Smith • Permalink

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UFO-obsessed Briton loses bid to block US extradition

Thursday, November 26, 2009

UFO-obsessed Briton loses bid to block US extradition

November 26, 2009 by Trudy Harris --> McKinnon, accused of hacking into US military and NASA computers, faces extradition to the United States


Briton Gary McKinnon leaves the High Court in central London in January 2009. McKinnon, accused of hacking into US military and NASA computers, faces extradition to the United States after the British government Thursday rejected last-ditch requests to block the move.

A Briton accused of hacking into US military and NASA computers faces extradition to the United States after the British government Thursday rejected last-ditch requests to block the move.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson said he concluded that sending Gary McKinnon to the United States would not breach his human rights, and has no general discretionary powers to stop the extradition.

"If Mr McKinnon's human rights would be breached, I must stop the extradition. If they would not be breached, the extradition must go ahead," Johnson said in a statement.

"As the courts have affirmed, I have no general discretion," he said.

McKinnon, who suffers from a form of autism, could spend life in prison if convicted by a US court of gaining access to 97 computers in 2001 and 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

McKinnon says he was only looking for evidence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) when he hacked into the US Navy and space agency computers.

Throughout the long-running case, McKinnon's lawyers have argued against extradited in part because he suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, and could commit suicide or suffer psychosis if it went ahead.

McKinnon's mother slammed the minister's decision as "barbaric".

Janis Sharp warned that the 43-year-old was terrified of extradition and the case has taken its toll on his mental health.

"To force a peaceful, vulnerable, misguided UFO fanatic like Gary thousands of miles away from his much-needed support network is barbaric," Sharp said.

"This is a cruel and miserable decision," she said, adding that the , should "hang their heads in shame."

"If the severity of Gary's medical condition isn't sufficient to prevent his extradition, I can't imagine what is. God help others facing a similar fate."

His cause has drawn high-profile support, including from Trudie Styler, wife of rock star Sting, who urged Britons to write to the Home Secretary.

Last month, the High Court in London refused McKinnon leave to appeal to Britain's new Supreme Court against his extradition.

The Home Office agreed to study new medical evidence about McKinnon before deciding on his extradition.

But Johnson has since told McKinnon's family that he could not block the move on medical grounds.

He said however he had received guarantees from US authorities that McKinnon's medical needs would be met once extradited, and, if convicted, he would not serve any time in a "supermax" prison.

"Due to legitimate concerns over Mr McKinnon's health, we have sought and received assurances from the United States authorities that his needs will be met," Johnson said.

"Finally, should Mr McKinnon be extradited, charged and convicted in the US and seek repatriation to the UK to serve a custodial sentence, the government will, of course, progress his application at the very earliest opportunity."

McKinnon's solicitor said she would now seek a judicial review of Johnson's decision, and lodge an application before the High Court within seven days.

"We are certainly coming to the end of the road, but we are just hoping that at some point, someone sees sense and steps in," Karen Todner told the BBC.

"In some ways it's like dealing with a death row case, we genuinely believe Gary's life is at stake here."

His lawyers say he could easily be prosecuted in Britain, where he would face a less severe sentence. But the Crown Prosecution Service ruled in February that the case was best brought in the .

(c) 2009 AFP

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Think These Are Photoshopped? Guess again!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Think These Are Photoshopped? Guess again

Think These Are Photoshopped? Guess again


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I know you’ll think that these amazing images are photoshopped. It happens for time to time that life is even stranger than anything you can photoshop.

Look again at these REAL images, and read about the most amazing things from around the world!

A Glitch in the Matrix

real 01 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

That car rendered from what looks like vector graphics from an old-school arcade game is a wire-frame sculpture by artist Benedict Radcliffe. And we mean an actual frame made of wires.

real 02 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

Reportedly, it received a ticket for being illegally parked, though if we had been there we’d have quickly gotten another ticket for climbing inside, picking it up and running down the street making engine sounds.

And in Season 6 of Lost, They Reveal That the Island is Actually an Ocean

real 03 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

What appears to be the background for a cheesy 80s album cover is actually an untouched photo from Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the largest salt flat in the world.

It frequently floods with a shallow layer of water, allowing that dude pull off the Jesus move in the picture. Apparently it’s a popular tourist site for the natural beauty, leading to construction of a salt hotel, which we suppose makes it the worst vacation destination in the world if you’re a slug.

God’s Sand Art

real 04 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

Take the people out of this photo, and it looks like a bad painting. It’s the wave rock formation in Arizona, formed out of ancient sand dunes and creating that crazy depth perception-destroying optical illusion.

We’re not kidding, every damned picture of this thing looks fake. Including some that look like freaking finger paint.

real 05 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

“But This Store Goes to 11…”

real 06 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

There are marketing geniuses, and then there are the kind of visionaries who look at the ugly security fence on their storefront and decide it sort of looks like a guitar amp. Thus the Guitar Store in Southampton just went all the way with that idea, complete with big knobs and everything. We want to hire that guy to decorate our adult book store.

The Large Hadron Collider’s First Victim

real 07 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again>

The lady whose midsection appears to be in the process of getting sucked into a black hole is Cathie Jung, who, as you can see, has an entire website based around the fact that her body is terrifying to look at.

Thanks to a lifetime of wearing increasingly smaller and more ridiculous corsets, she has a 15-inch waist and presumably a liver that’s been flattened to the thickness of a Fruit Roll-up.

And Its Second Victim…

real 08 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

If you’re not clear what’s so remarkable about this triangle sculpture thing, look closer and follow the surfaces from one angle to the next. That’s right, it’s utterly impossible, with its MC Escher design that seems to break all laws of the known universe.

When this sculpture–located in Perth, Australia–is viewed from another angle you can see the complicated way it manipulates perspective to get the effect…

real 09 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

…but what we love about it is there’s no plaque explaining what the sculpture is all about either, so nobody knows what the f**k it’s supposed to be unless they’re standing in exactly the right spot.

If There’s One Sport You Just Have to Try In Your Life…

real 39 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

Once more we are presented with a photo that not only appear to be a Photoshop, but a bad one.

But, no, Ostrich racing is an all too real sport in several countries, though we admit these photos seem to portray frat guys enjoying the sport ironically.

real 40 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

Ostriches have a reputation for being ornery sons of bitches, so we’re guessing that half of the excitement is watching to see which jockey gets his eyes pecked out mid-race.

Scientists Combine Human and Slinky DNA

real 41 in Think These Are Photoshopped? Think Again

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Monsters of the deep revealed in sea census

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monsters of the deep revealed in sea census

November 23, 2009 5:25 PM
275x250.jpgBizarre sea creatures including an octopod dubbed Dumbo because of his giant ear-like fins, have been found as part of a deep sea census.

The previously unseen creatures live more than a mile beneath the ocean in pitch black conditions.

A total of 5,722 odd species were discovered as part of the Census of Marine Life - which used deep-towed cameras to give us a better picture of what lives in our oceans.

One such critter was the elephant-eared octopod (pictured) which was dubbed Dumbo of the deep - it is a six-foot-long cirrate octopod which was found on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Another was the sea cucumber (below) whcih was found at 2,750 metres in the Northern Gulf of Mexico - I think looking at them we can see why they live in pitch black conditions.

275x250.jpgA spokesperson said: "Census of Marine Life scientists have inventoried an astonishing abundance, diversity and distribution of deep sea species that have never known sunlight – creatures that somehow manage a living in a frigid black world down to 5,000 meters (~3 miles) below the ocean waves.

"Revealed via deep-towed cameras, sonar and other vanguard technologies, animals known to thrive in an eternal watery darkness now number 17,650, a diverse collection of species ranging from crabs to shrimp to worms.

"Most have adapted to diets based on meager droppings from the sunlit layer above, others to diets of bacteria that break down oil, sulfur and methane, the sunken bones of dead whales and other implausible foods."

Census of Marine Life   

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